Awearness Blog #6: What its like being Veronica

It's always great to see when our message is resonating with other people! We recently caught a video of Canadian singer @BeingVeronica (on instagram) doing a cover in our cap!
After watching this video we got in contact with her ASAP to do the next Awearness Blog            

                  Who are you and what do you do?

My name is Veronica, Toronto born singer who writes her own music

How important is your mental approach in your career?

                 My mental approach is critical in my career. I deal with anxiety day to day and there is nothing more important than keeping my state of mind constantly clear. Before every writing session my producer and I debrief to open our minds to become clear of any stress, drama or negativity. Being a 'creative' can lead to feeling extremely sensitive to the toxic energy of the music business, so I try my best to approach any scenario with a positive mentality.              
  Do you feel as though your past thinking habits have taken part i the result of where you stand today?
My thinking habits have changed over the span of 5 years since I've become a musician.                                    

                                                                                                                   Are there any books you read to help you advance in your success?

Im currently reading this book called, 'You Badass'. I love it. Its about empowerment, which I am a firm believer in. Becoming successful requires a lot of self-empowerment. You can't rely on others to believe in
you but believing in yourself makes you stronger and people are intrigued by that quality.  

   Who would be in your top 3 for artists to work with?

I don't have a concrete list, but right now I would say Kaytranada, Party Next Door, and Cashmere Cat.

Lastly what are your thoughts on I Am Awear and its message?                                                                                                                            

It's refreshing to see an intellectual brand which carries a higher purpose. It's uncommon to see especially today where people are constantly distracted. Inspiration and awareness go hand in hand. Through awareness of ourselves and others around us we become inspired to fulfill our goals and desires. I love the message and thank you guys for encouraging me to stay aware :)

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